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 " I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."

Psalm 139:14



      Amira’s Vanity is designed with your reflection in mind. To inspire healthier communities and to serve as a leader by encouraging innovative thinking to educate our clients. Amira’s Vanity aspires to improve the quality of life through self -esteem and a balance of health treatments. The health treatments are created based on each individual with expectations to promote healing for the mind body, and soul. Providing world class service adds values to your experience creating an environment in which one can illuminate daily stressors, reduce tension, and relax while being pampered.




Maintaining clear and healthy skin can start with cleaning your face twice a day. This will also help to reduce anti-aging problems and keep skin looking radiant. 

A consultation with your esthetician can result for use of best products for your skin.


Adding a moisturizer to your daily cleansing process, will keep your skin hydrated, slow the signs of aging, fight acne, and protect from the sun.

A consultation with your esthetician can result for use of best products for your skin.


Using sunscreen keeps the complex even, protects from the sun, premature aging and sunburns. 

A consultation with your esthetician can result for use of best products for your skin. 


Providing #1 Care

For more information and inquiries, please contact us now.

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